Home Hospice and Palliative Care
Hospice Care at Home in Westchester County NY
At home patients can receive care while they enjoy being with loved ones and family in familiar surroundings. We care for patients in the familiar, comfortable surroundings of their home, whether it’s a private residence, nursing facility or assisted living facility.No matter where we give care, our goal remains the same to make it possible for you or your loved one to be cared for and comfortable.
Calvary@Home is uniquely suited to help care teams when and if so care requirements change.

Calvary offers a comprehensive approach for Westchester County residents looking for a homecare hospice program. Our homecare hospice program brings together a dedicated team of registered nurses (RN), doctors, Social Workers, Pastoral Care staff members, Home Health aides, volunteers, and bereavement counselors.
Calvary’s Home Hospice and Palliative Care services are designed to meet and address the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of patients and their loved ones.
Calvary Hospital has developed a continuum of care that meets the needs of patients facing the final stages of life and does so with the same passion and vigor found at any curative Hospital.
If you or a loved one is facing the end stages of a life-limiting illness we hope you will contact us and learn more about CalvaryCare®.